Saturday, October 10, 2009


"Gratitude, thankfulness, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive." - Wikipedia

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just my thought on the world now!

(picture by Rachel Lim)
What are we to do with racial issues arising beyond our expectation? Beside this, we have other issues arising (i.e. family, health, environment, work ethics, religion and many others).

My 2 cents,

Yes, I have watched "The age of stupid". Can this short film change the world in the glimpse of second? Or are we suppose to change our perception on things for the better of our future? There are so many questions that I myself cannot answer. Yes again, I'm lucky to live in a moderate life. Where I have most of everything I want. But are we satisfied??? The film do depicted how stupid we are sometimes for believing things or what people say so easily.

Consciously saying, I feel am I worthy to live in this world? Another question mark! We get lots of information nowadays through all sorts of ways. But are we using it wisely? Hmm, another issue yet again!

But whatever happens, I thank God for everything. Either good or bad, it is already written down in his palm. Yet again, we as human beings should put our ego aside and work things out for the better of you and I. Things happen for a reason but we should always try our best to tackle situations.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Complicated!!! =.="

Nowadays, as time goes by, u tend to think maturely to sustain what will come for ur future.

Yes, I admit myself that I'm physically immature but my thoughts and what I say can be sometimes sarcastically portraying that I'm capable of doing something that I feel like doing.

Looking down on people is not the way of life. I despised people looking down on me as if I'm a kid that have nothing to do in life. Well for those who haven't seen my true colours, yes, I'm a person that will simply be happy on the outside but u will never be getting what I actually felt.

For some reason, I have a bad habit of judging people. WHY?? I asked myself? Guess, it is human nature to judge people on anything!! Simply, anything that comes out of ur mind. Moreover, it seems ridiculous that after u judge that person u tend to compare them with others or with oneself. It's a never ending circle, as u judge people, people tend to judge u back??? WHY? I'm still asking myself??? WHY??

God made the world very simple. Why do we need to complicate things up?

This is just a thought that just came up to me!

P/S: I wish life would be much simpler if we stop complicated things up!!!!

My word of the day "Complicated"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tak bisa memiliki (Samsons)

"Mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aku tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku" - Tak bisa memiliki (Samsons)

Maybe, I'm not that perfect
But my heart will be yours forever in my life
Maybe, I can't have you
You will be forever in my life

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nitus - Resah

"Sesungguh tak kau tahu,
Diriku ada kamu,
Akan ku relakan semua ada ku untuk mu."

Even though you don't know,
Within myself I have you,
I will give all my whole to you.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Deeper Conversation,

Time flies so fast that we left a lot for memories behind us. Life in the UK will be my most enjoyable moment besides meeting new friends and experiencing a whole new different culture. I found myself enjoying stuff I like to do and experience “My 1st time moments”. I wish to stay in time with all the wonderful memories I have here.

I know it sound funny in a way that I’m saying stuff which is kind of emotional and has sentimental value in all aspect. Sometimes, it is hard to express oneself without feeling embarrass . I guessed I’m not making any sense here. Just kind of sad that I will be leaving this place soon. Will be missing all the friends I met here. Yo peeps keep in touch alright!

As exam week is approaching, I will be in my little box revising. Wish me Good Luck!

Currently, listening to Yuna - Deeper Conversation.
Best Regards,